
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today was like any other day. I started with a new client. This lady made me laugh to myself as she is a type of sitcom character really. A very nice lady but stealth as cat. I was rinsing the shower and accidentally turned the handle the wrong direction and soaked myself. Stepped out to see how bad I was and suddenly she appeared. No sound at all.

I continued cleaning and while I was mopping, imagine my surprise when I lifted my head and there she was again. Now, she does where little slidey type shoes so I would assume she would make some type of noise. She never does. None.

It made me think back to the Seinfeld character that they called "The Sidler". Sidles up without a sound and startles people. I think of that with her.

Someone who, while seemingly sneaky without, I think, meaning to be just made me smile today.

Just thought I would share it. Maybe it will give you a laugh today too.

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